As I pay no heed to the diets and whatnot I hurried down stairs directly to the kitchen searching for all the ingredients to prepare a spaghetti bolognese. Well there was no spaghetti at home but to compensate that I used macaroni instead =) But personally I prefer penne or macaroni because I think I am capable of eating in a larger potion with penne typed. Hehe.. :-P With my full determination and patience finally I’ve made a “hurmm…Not bad bolognese”-according to the ultimate food critic, my dad! whose fav channel is 703 the AFC (Ayah Fav Channel) haha! and who also happened to finished up all my bolognese. Hehe! At last my craving was fulfilled, my tummy was full, (hopefully I can still wear my jeans), and I am very, very happy =)
'B'- Craving..
As I pay no heed to the diets and whatnot I hurried down stairs directly to the kitchen searching for all the ingredients to prepare a spaghetti bolognese. Well there was no spaghetti at home but to compensate that I used macaroni instead =) But personally I prefer penne or macaroni because I think I am capable of eating in a larger potion with penne typed. Hehe.. :-P With my full determination and patience finally I’ve made a “hurmm…Not bad bolognese”-according to the ultimate food critic, my dad! whose fav channel is 703 the AFC (Ayah Fav Channel) haha! and who also happened to finished up all my bolognese. Hehe! At last my craving was fulfilled, my tummy was full, (hopefully I can still wear my jeans), and I am very, very happy =)
The NOT so lil' things in life...
The little things I do with my family like watching TV together, eating together, sharing laughter or mocking each other are the things that seems so trifling but it matters the most where money can’t buy. Today my dad got home and surprised me with a really cute purple box. Ok it is not my birthday or anything so I was pretty happy to get a present on a random day plus I’m sure everybody at home was green with envy as I was the only one who got it. Hehe :-P I mean come on who doesn’t like presents and surprises right? U hv to admit it does make u feel special and appreciated.*smirk*
p/s: Thanks Mama for making that home made (own recipe) onion rings for me as I was craving for the A&W's at past midnite! (“u spoilt!”-cried my boyfie :-P) And also thanx Ma, for the eyeliner u got for me.. (wonder how she knew mine was running out.) Perfect! Aww.. Mama ur soo thodful. Now i see that eyeliner is not so small coz after all ur heart and thoughts are wayyy BIGGER. =)
Trust- worth it?
Hello. I know it has been ages I have not contributed anything to this blog. Anyhow today would be my last entry for 2010 and I'd like to share this cool black and white artistic image above. Can u see a word from that piece of pattern? Yes, before the blog is fill with dust and rust the topic is about trust.
TRUST. It is something so easy to say but yet so arduous to attain. Yes you want trust to last. However there is no vouch that it will adhere in a long period of time. Sometimes in worst scenario it does not exist at all. Metaphorically speaking trust is like a balloon. To enable the balloon to float in the air, you got to fill it with air. So in order for you to gain trust you have to learn to trust back. Apparently it takes just a minute to destroy trust but consumes longer time to gain it. Now applying back to the balloon metaphor with just a poke of a prickly object, POP! There goes away that balloon in a blink of an eye after all the hard work of filling it with air. *sigh* Damaged and torn into pieces on the cold marbled floor :-(


I know that everybody is bestow with problems which supposedly used as a mechanism in human learning and growing process. Nevertheless this time around this problem seems to dominates my mind and affects my equilibrium. Hence I am sad. Correction no I am not sad, I am BEING sad. Mentioning on the subject matter of sadness, my good friend Mija used to correct me in using the right and proper words to address ones feelings. She says using different words does make a huge different on the way we look at things. You are not sad you are just being sad. Thus by inserting the word BEING inevitably signifies that the sadness is only temporary and it will go away sooner or later, instead of putting yourself as the main subject of sadness. Even though now she's far away in Doha, Qatar I would always remember her words of wisdom. Thanx Mija for correcting me and opening me up to a new perspective and always been there for me in the past.
I guess depression and devastation is part and parcel of life. Everybody will go through another sorrow chapter with probably different event, stage, script and actors. Life is like a spinning roulette where you gotta take the risk because the circle will eventually bring you back to the same point you've been before. Don't be afraid to fall and moreover don't be afraid to cry. My dearest friend Bana once said to me that, "you just gotta think of something bigger to demolish the smaller petty things that are poisoning your brain cell". My friend also quoted and dedicated Ne Yo's song to me; So You Can Cry (parts of lyrics below) to unruffled the tangled heart. Well thank you for another word of encouragement my friend.
Some random person also told me to set my mind that "not everything that we plan is a prerequisite to our happiness". If it fails and falls take a chill pill and move on. I know its easier to said than done but somehow you gotta have faith and confidence in yourself to walk thru this pebbled, jagged, bumpy and rough path that we called life. My friend Modjo on the other hand always reminds me to live life to the fullest! Just as I thought I was all alone in my dark bleak room, locking up myself from the world here comes all the people who were actually there to aid me when i'm down in the dumps. There are alot of people who cherish me hence I shall not remain in this kingdom of misery as it brings me nothing but destruction. So long sadness, it is sad to say that I'm officially OVER you!
Life isn't long.
There will be pain but life goes on.
With everyday a brand new song.
But if you'd rather stay at home
let me do you a favor.
I'll ask the sun to shine away from you today so you can cry.
(If that's what you want, alright.)
I'll ask the clouds to bring the rain for you today so you can cry.
(If that's what you want, alright.)
I know that healing takes time.
Even your heart has a phase.
Ah, but how much time are you gonna take?
Too much would be a mistake.
The first word from a baby's mouth MA-MA!
The moment a baby utter his first word it would usually be MA-MA! Mama is indeed the simplest word to verbalize but yet carries the most vital and powerful person on earth our mother. Without our mother we would not be here today and i wont be writing this as well. In return there is the Mothers Day that usually falls on May every year. (i wonder why?) However my mama says "Mothers Day should be celebrated everyday." hehe. (oh yes minus the flowers, chocolates n gifts) Instead the gift that we all should give and lavish her everyday is with the most priceless gift = LOVE. Mothers sacrifices are indescribable, you cannot calculate all the amount of energy, money and everything else that she has done through out your life because it is simply unquantifiable. I'm so fortunate to have such an amazing mother Jariah Baba, she is the most compassionate woman and definitely irreplaceable. I'd like to convey my utmost gratitude to her and will always pray for her happiness, pleasure and health. This year my mama received more flowers than before and I want nothing more than to see her happy. Ma, I love you with all my heart for eternity n yes you are my everything!
p/s: A Song For Mama... (Boyz 2 Men)
You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
You'll always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times
Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul
You're always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl in my life
Bake-Cake. colourful cuppies anyone?
The whole idea came about when i voluntarily offered myself to bake cupcakes when my mom asked me on what to do and get for my sister's bday (on 5 May and rite now she's celebrating her bday in Hong Kong Disneyland). Well to compensate quarelling time with my sister besides to make a point that i can bake without getting anyone diarrhea i took the challenge! Taa-daa! a vanilla with colorful heart shaped toppings cupcakes were made by these two hands of mine *smirk* My sister was tremendously overwhelmed by my effort. My family, my mom especially was astonished by the result. hehe. But for me i felt i accomplished something which is very new to me and it made me feel good. Self satisfaction plays an essential role in boosting and increasing ones self-esteem infact it makes u feel happy;)
Furthermore I purposely chose the heart-shaped toppings as it symbolises sentimental, affection and love values that i have towards my family. They are like the colourful toppings on my cupcakes because my family colours up my life and without them it'd be also like baking a cake without butter or egg. You're just missing the most important ingredient. Hence just cherish the moments you have with your love ones, make them happy, make them a cake! haha. However it doesnt matter what you give the main key is your thought that matters isn't it? and when you make other people happy eventually you will gain happiness in return. So what are you waiting for bake a cake!
p/s: For more details and recipe do contact me. haha.
Brokenhearted hero-THE IRONMAN 2! (seriously, like literally)
“Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk..” – Tony Stark
Quoted from Ironman 1. I particularly like that quote because it somehow illustrates a motivational and inspirational aspect. Today I went for a late nite movie with my family and yes obviously it’s the continuation of Ironman1 hence 2. Finally I managed to get tix after 3 disappointing visits to the cinema as it was packed and horded as hell. Phew! Yea what do you expect it is indeed the first week the movie was shown. The movie overall consist of unchallenging roller-coaster ride, some comical dialogue, star-studded and narcissism.
Furthermore that villain guy (quite decent for a bad guy I must say) Whiplash or Ivan Vanko actually reminds me of ‘Undertaker’ from WWF. No no, not the wildlife organization the World Wrestling Federation. Haha. (Yes I used to be a big fan and it became a constant addiction, tnx to my bro’s influence) But I have to give credit to the make up artist for putting excellent effort in making him look like one up-to-date stylish antagonist. I mean it’s kinda cool with appealing highlites on his hair and of course the fully tattooed body. Owh I loike! I have a fetish for hot-bod hunk with tattoos e.g: Wentworth Miller in Prison break!! *drools*
I was rather captivated with the witty jokes besides the melee action and Scarlett’s fabulous bod! *jaw-dropping* In my point of view the script writer did a god job in preparing a brilliant counter-response dialogue. Not only it symbolizes metal power but also denotes mental power. I presume, those two essential powers suppose to come jointly or simultaneously in order to be somebody and not just anybody. It is the essence to survive or to smell triumph in life. To be a superhero in ones life you gotta have the strength, the brain and also the faith. However you gotta be a hero to YOURSELF first before you can be to others. It’s like what they say, you are what u believe and believe what you are ought to be. Impossible is nothing. If you think you failed, well my friend think again without failure you are never a better winner. Even Ironman makes mistakes, heart broken like literally and that hero can also bleed. Thus be that hero who makes mistakes, bleeds and eat strawberries. Because let me tell you this, believe it when I say there’s a hero that rest in each and everyone of us and we ain’t need any DRON or Ironsuit to verify that. Period.
*Hero by Mariah Carey on the background* hehe ;)